Monday, September 12, 2011

Artichoke Tea (what did I think of it?)

So I made the arichole tea about 2 week ago.Now you know I did my research on that tea and this what I think of it. First I think I let it boil to much it did trun that lil/drak green color they said it should be. Must website said it should have a sweet taste to it, will for me it did not it.But it did have a funny taste to it but yeah it was funny testing I drink it for a week since I only bright 1 of them.

here is pic of how the tea look

It is a green color, I did notice how my skin look, it start to get clear and to me look really nice. It did make me use the bathroom a LOT!!!!. But that was just it why of cleaning your body of all the bad things you had in it. Also It help with with me and food all the time so it good for diets I would recommend this tea for anyone who is/want to go on a diet. I will make other one soon and see if I can get it sweet. until next time bye